My mate who gave me Samantha Has got 3 gravid Burmese and has let me have one of the clutches to incubate for him, he normally just lets the snake incubate them but as he is going to be a bit tight for space he said I could have one of them. I have started to build an incubator, have done a bit of research and I have got a poly box and some vermiculite. I have also got some glass and cut it into the box for a vision pannel I will be getting a heat mat and a pulse stat tomorrow here are the fist 2 pics I will keep you posted keep your fingers crossed for me
I have done some more work to the incubator it is ready now just got to let it warm up. I put the heat mat in
And got a cheap aquarium thermometer to stick on the glass
Then I found a plastic box that fitted nice and snug into the poly box so I could keep the wet vermiculite off the heat mat as i have been told the heat mats are not water proof
I placed a couple of bits of wood to keep the plastic box off the mat
I then put the vermiculite in
Then I put some water into the vermiculite and conected up the stat
Then I put a digital thermometer and hydrometer in aswell for good measure
I will update this week hopefully when I get the eggs